The members of the Alexandria Children, Youth and Families Collaborative Commission are pleased to announce the release of the approved Children and Youth Master Plan. The Plan will be presented to City Council at a public hearing on Saturday, May 17 at 9:30 City Hall, located at 301 King Street. All residents and stakeholders are encouraged to attend.
The Children and Youth Master Plan serves as the basis for the coordination, alignment and delivery of effective services for all city children and youth, from birth to 21 years-old, and their families while maximizing taxpayer and private investments in the allocation of resources. The Plan envisions a city where each program and initiative collaborates to improve outcomes in identified areas, while creating a culture of safety, social and civic engagement, and academic and vocational aspiration. The five Plan goals are:
1. Every child will be physically safe and healthy.
2. Every child will be academically successful and career-ready.
3. Every child will be socially connected, emotionally secure and culturally competent.
4. Every family will be equipped and empowered to support the well-being of their children effectively.
5. Alexandria’s systems and institutions will be responsive, coordinated, efficient and effective in service to children and families.
Plan development began with community forums involving over 300 youth and adults, and continued with the work of a design team comprising community, school, faith-based, parent and youth members. The Plan aligns with the City’s and Alexandria City Public School’s strategic plans, among others.
Following City Council adoption of the Plan and endorsement by the School Board, theAlexandria Children, Youth and Families Collaborative Commission will develop a design for implementation.