Alexandria Mom's Calendar of Events

Friday, November 9, 2018

Seminary Road Complete Streets Project and I-395 Express Lanes


Webpage Posted on Potential Changes to Seminary Road / I-395 Express Lanes Interchange, Work Paused on Seminary Road Complete Streets Project
In October 2018, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) notified the City that Transurban, the I-395 Express Lanes concessionaire, is proposing to evaluate the current use of the Seminary Road high-occupant vehicle-only ramp and to consider potential operational changes at the ramp for express lane/high-occupancy toll traffic. The City has posted a web page with information and resources about this potential change. The City Manager also provided a memorandum to the Mayor and City Council describing the background and City position on this potential change.

City staff is coordinating with Transurban and VDOT on an analysis (to be conducted by Transurban) of the forecasted traffic changes that could occur from the proposed change. There is not yet a timeline for completing this analysis.

This new information prompted city staff to pause work on the Seminary Road Complete Streets project. As soon as the Complete Streets project team has a reliable forecast of how a potential change in the off-ramp operation could impact Seminary Road traffic, the project team will conduct a revised traffic analysis of the conceptual alternatives. Project work will restart as soon as more information is known about the potential future impacts of the contemplated changes.

Seminary Road is a key corridor in the City of Alexandria’s transportation network. The Vision Zero Action Plan, Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, and Safe Routes to School Plan Program recommendations, and all identify potential safety and mobility improvements for Seminary Road. The City's Complete Streets Policy recommends that staff use repaving as an opportunity to consider and incorporate changes to enhance the safety and convenience of all users. 

For more information, contact Darren Buck, Complete Streets Program Manager


Consider tutoring with the Alexandria Tutoring Consortium! Volunteers work with kindergarten or first grade students once or twice a week from now until May. ATC provides training, materials, and support. ATC needs tutors at the following elementary schools on Alexandria’s West End: John Adams, William Ramsay, James Polk, Samuel Tucker, and Patrick Henry. For more information, go to, call 703-549-6670, ext. 119, or write