Alexandria Mom's Calendar of Events

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Beverley Hills Wheel Day

Wheel Day May 24th, 2020
Porch Party Celebration
Food trucks in the Trinity parking lot. (Details to follow)

This year Wheel Day will look a little different. We encourage you all to spend time celebrating our community and each other safely and responsibly from your porch or yard. We ask that you wear a mask when you are out in the neighborhood to keep yourself and our vulnerable neighbors safe and healthy. 
Let’s get creative! Have the kiddos chalk up everything. Decorate your yard, your bike in your yard, yourself in your yard. Play music and dance! Do you have a super cool talent you could share? Do you juggle? Do you play guitar? Can you long jump over chalk lava? The more patriotic, the better.

• post on the NRCA Facebook page
As always, please practice social distancing and do not gather in large groups. Together Apart. 
Sponsored by the North Ridge Citizens’ Association, we hope to see you!
